Thursday 28 May 2015

Jamaican Apple Juice

Otaheite/Jamaican Apple Cooler
Otaheite apple, coco plum, Jamaican apple or sousi apple whichever name you call it,  this fruit is enjoyed by children and adults alike.  Some varieties are slightly round with a firm texture and with colours ranging from dark red (almost black) to pink, while others are pear shaped.  The pear-shaped variety are most popular and ranges in colour from deep red to crimson. 
For Juice lovers like myself, couple otaheite with a bit of ginger, a dash of lime or lemon and some honey and you will have a refreshing and delicious summer drink.  Because of its high water content and its balanced sweetness this fruit is enjoyed by children and adults alike. 
Did you know otaheite apples can also be used to make wine? 
For the health of it, otaheite is a good source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and also contains riboflavin (the darker variety has more) and thiamine. One of its greatest advantage is its high water content - of 100g weight, approximately 90g is moisture.  So you can consume it right after exercising to help rehydrate your body and stave off hunger without having to worry about calories.
Here's to your hydration and health!

Apple Cooler Recipe

6 medium sized apples (without seed, washed and cut into slices)
1" ginger
1 1/2 cups of water
1/2 lemon
honey to taste


Pop apples, water and ginger into the blender, blend until smooth. Strain liquid to remove pulp and add honey then sweeten with honey to taste. Pour into a juice glass, add a sprig of mint and serve.

Serves 4.

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